Bear fat

Bear fat, due to its rich chemical composition, is a unique useful tool.

Bear fat is used for many serious illnesses. In the traditions of different peoples of the world there are references to drugs based on it. It is known that even Cleopatra used bear fat to preserve youth and beauty. Modern cosmetologists are actively using it as a component of anti-aging and nutritious skin care products.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which are part of fat, as well as Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 and vitamin E make it an excellent tool against diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), contribute to the normalization of psychological and neurological disorders, help fight metabolic disorders in the brain, insomnia, depression, chronic fatigue and other mental and physical problems. The use of bear fat as a sedative is known.
The high content of triterpan glucosides, B vitamins, fatty oils and various useful macro- and micronutrients in bear fat makes it an indispensable tool to increase immunity. All these components are contained in the fat of bears in easily digestible form, penetrate into cells unchanged, restore their nuclei and DNA repair mechanisms. Thanks to this, a positive result from the use of fat is noticeable after a few days.

In addition to the above properties, bear fat helps cleanse the body of harmful substances, accelerates the healing of ulcers, purulent wounds, skin lesions, as well as resolves the inflammatory processes in various organs, and normalizes blood pressure.

During the extinction of many functions of the body, it helps maintain the immune system, increases the tone of the body, prevents the development of various age-related diseases.
Externally, bear fat is used for joint and muscle pain as a warming agent.

Indications for use:
• tuberculosis;
• diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
• gastrointestinal tract diseases;
• skin diseases of various nature (psoriasis, eczema, lichen, bedsores, purulent wounds and ulcers);
• mechanical damage to the skin (abrasions, cuts, burns, frostbite, chapping);
• hypertension;
• sciatica;
• arthritis;
• sciatica;
• rheumatism;
• myositis;
• osteochondrosis;
• reduced immunity;
• neuropsychiatric disorders (depression, insomnia, metabolic disturbances in the brain);
• chronic fatigue syndrome.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the components of the drug, pregnancy, children under 3 years of age when taking fat inside. Acute liver disease.

Indications for use:
• tuberculosis;
• diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
• gastrointestinal tract diseases;
• skin diseases of various nature (psoriasis, eczema, lichen, bedsores, purulent wounds and ulcers);

Terms and conditions of storage: Store in a dark place, at a temperature of -20 ° to + 5 ° C. Shelf life 18 months.
Packing: pet bottle
Volume: 100 ml.

Country: Russia